RPL Assess is the Online RPL Assessment Solution You’ve Been Looking For


Just because you have skills that you learned outside of a formal educational setting doesn’t mean those skills shouldn’t count. Thankfully, Australia has RPL, or Recognition of Prior Learning. By going through the RPL assessment process, you can gain confirmation and recognition for competencies you’ve learned on the job or in some other informal way. Unfortunately, RPL assessment is complicated and time-consuming. While it can still save you time and money compared to going through formal training that you don’t really need, it won’t typically provide an overnight fix. Simply put, there is a need for a faster and more intuitive RPL assessment solution online.

Introducing RPL Assess

At least, there has been a need for a simple online RPL assessment solution until now. RPL Assess, a new web-based solution, might just be the online RPL system that so many businesses, students, and professionals have been seeking for years.

RPL Assess is also a system that can make life much easier for RPL assessors. Indeed, most RPL assessment professionals wish they could make the process go faster for students. The problem is that RPL assessment involves considerable logistical challenges. The assessor needs to map out a proper evaluation for the competency at hand, collect materials from the student, interview the student to verify competency and more. It stands to reason that all these steps would take a significant amount of time.

The RPL Assess system is an online RPL assessment solution that simplifies things on both sides of the process. The software includes 11,000 different units, which means there’s no shortage of competencies that you can assess with it. The assessor can map out logical assessment criteria by numerically weighting various pieces of evidence. The student, meanwhile, can upload their evidence of learning directly to the system—from certificates and photos to video or audio files. If the assessor interviews with the student to test knowledge and understanding, they can upload that file to the system. The same is true for video demonstrations of skills and other assets that can prove skill qualification.

Once these files are in the system, they stay there. Indeed, one of the most significant benefits of having an RPL assessment solution online is that there are no hard copies of files to keep organised. The student doesn’t have to prepare files or physical documents and send them to the assessor. The assessor, meanwhile, doesn’t have to keep track of these assets for dozens or hundreds of different students. Instead, the materials stay on the student’s profile, ready to be weighted, assessed, and stored for auditing.

Start Using an Online RPL Assessment Solution in Your RTO

Does your registered training organisation get a lot of students asking about RPL? Are you assessors tired of the major inconveniences of RPL, from collecting materials to scoring different pieces of evidence? RPL Assess makes the entire process faster, simpler, and more intuitive. Trust us: both your students and your employees will appreciate the change.


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