RPL recognises prior knowledge, skills and experience, and measures it against the unit of competency in which an RPL Applicant is enrolled.
RPL is the acknowledgment of skills and knowledge obtained through prior formal learning as well as learning achieved outside the formal education and training system. It may include work and life experience including paid work or unpaid volunteer work; skills attained through community or leisure pursuits; 'hands on' practical skills or natural talent or aptitude - previously unrecognised.
In order to have skills formally recognised in a national system, Assessors must make sure you have the skill and knowledge to the standard required by industry. This means you must be involved in a careful and comprehensive process that addresses in detail the content of all of the units of competency within the qualification you are applying to have recognised.
Being prepared can save you time and hassle. Here are some tips and hints to prepare for a recognition process:
Your Assessor will review the information you have provided (usually with you) and begin to match up your skills to the units in the qualification.
At this point, you will have the opportunity to discuss and identify your previous experience with the assessor who will understand your industry experience and conduct a competency conversation with you.
This conversation will be recorded and uploaded to RPL Assess.
RPL is an assessment process designed to show areas of competence and to identify if an RPL Applicant has gaps in skills or knowledge.
Not all RPL Applicants will have skill/knowledge gaps. If you have skill gaps, a pathway to complete training in the outstanding units can be negotiated to assist you to gain the full qualification.
Your RTO has created your Student's profile. You'll receive an email asking you to Verify Your Registration
Read the notes in your email and click the Verify Your Registration icon.
The Assessment Online system will ask you to select your password. You're in control. Select a password that's easy to remember, make a note and save it in a secure location.
The Assessment Online system will then open your Dashboard. Using your web browser, save your Dashboard to Favorites or Bookmarks. In the future you can now return to your dashboard quickly and easily.
Your RTO has assigned your Assessor and a unit of competency for you.
Refer to: RPL Units Status. Click on: 'Status'.
When the next page opens, refer to: RPL Supporting Documents.
Locate the documents, photos and files you would like to submit as part of your RPL application on your computer. Simply 'drag and drop' the file you would like to include to the 'Cloud' icon under the heading: RPL Supporting Documents.
RPL Assess will upload: photos; video; audio; other types of documents; certificates; any and all evidence that will support your RPL application.
You can save your application and return to add more evidence at any time.
Your Assessor will appreciate clear and accurate file names on each document you submit.
When you are happy with your evidence use your mouse to tick the box: Check to submit your answer for assessment.
This is your final response so be sure you're happy to move forward.
Click on: 'Submit documents'
Your Assessor will receive notification you've submitted a final response and begin the RPL assessment process. They will provide feedback on your result as soon as possible.