RPL Assess is the New Assessment Tool for RTOs Hosted in a Unique Cloud Based Environment


Technology is in the process of transforming the way the world works in many ways both big and small. In the vocational and educational training realm, that's true, too. Consider the procedure for granting an individual a Recognition of Prior Learning, an essential certification for many experienced individuals seeking career advancement. In the past and even in many RTOs today, much of the process takes place on paper. Evidence gathered, assessment and testing results, and all kinds of other data go into big and often messy files. For everyone involved, it can be a frustrating effort, and some organisations choose to cut corners in the hopes of flying under the radar of an audit.

Today, technology continues to open new pathways to success, and it can build compliance into an RTO's workflow to provide much-needed accountability. At RPL Assess, we've chosen to develop a product founded on 30 years of training experience to empower RTOs across the region to expand their service coverage with confidence. Students gain new chances to create fresh career opportunities through Nationally Recognised Training while your business grows from an inflow of new and returning students. Powered by Amazon Web Services, this RPL cloud assessment program can play a vital role in your organisation.

Understanding the benefits of a cloud assessment service for RPL

RPL Assess is a new and unique product in this arena that brings with it many valuable benefits. Not only can you expand the number of clients to whom you can offer service, but you can do so with confidence in the product we've developed. A few of the specific benefits you can expect to find are:

  • No need to purchase packages with unnecessary extras; add only the units of competency you need to track
  • A highly granular approach to assessment tracking with a meticulous 100-point scale
  • An easy way for students to upload document for assessment
  • Automatic monitoring of RPL progress, helping both student and trainer
  • No subscription fees or contracts allows RPL Assess to scale to your organisation's budget

Meeting the AQSA requirement to offer thorough and standards-compliant RPL availability is not only easier for you with RPL Assess, but it provides a better experience for students, too. The process of evidence-gathering and making assessments can be tedious and difficult to follow. With a well-defined roadmap inside the service, knowing exactly where both trainer and trainee are at in the process is straightforward.

Partner with RPL Assess to offer your students more today

From boosting your business potential as an RTO to providing real-world assistance and career development opportunities to your students, our technology can prove to be a valuable asset. Plus, with a service based on the highly reliable AWS cloud servers based in Sydney, you can trust in constant availability and security for your data. Explore using the cloud for an assessment for an RPL through your organisation today. It takes only minutes to get started — explore the way it works now.


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