Use State of the Art RPL Software Online, and Find Your New System


If your RTO is not already using an RPL system, it is time to consider one. Not everyone in Australia needs to begin their training from scratch. In fact, many people throughout the country already have competencies they have gained from military service or other life experiences. These individuals may be talented, but may not have the official qualifications they need to land the jobs they want to hold. In such cases, they will often seek out RTOs that allow for RPL assessment. RPL assessment provides academic or vocational credit for people whose experience provides them with the skills or knowledge others would typically earn through a course of study.

Why an RPL System is Beneficial to RTOs

Many RTOs use assessors to judge the evidence submitted by students who apply for RPL credits, but this method is not necessarily objective. The judgement of an individual often varies from one case to the next and has the potential to be affected by subjective feelings or prejudices. Using RPL software is considered a much more objective way to assess the competencies of your applicants. The best RPL software allows you to determine the value for each type of evidence submitted, then applies those standards to all applicants and provides fair, audit-ready assessments.

When you are looking for RPL software, online solutions are most likely to benefit your organisation. Using an RPL system that is based online provides you with numerous advantages. Firstly, you no longer have to worry about storing documents or physical evidence, since everything will be uploaded to the central servers of the company that runs the platform. Secondly, you will be able to create simple profiles in just a few minutes that make it easy to control your assessment metrics and connect with your students. Choosing an RPL solution with online functionality can save you a great deal of work, and provide your students with an easier, less stressful way to have their qualifications recognised.

Choose RPL Assess

Let RPL Assess help. Our company is changing the way RTOs approach RPL in Australia, by centralising the process with a convenient and user-friendly online platform. We make it easy for you to create a profile for your organisation and link it to our central database so that you can set custom assessment parameters and send evidence for each of your students. With RPL Assess, we crunch the data, but you’re in control. The result is that your students are evaluated objectively and that your institution gains a reputation for fair, consistent Recognition of Prior Learning.

Upholding the integrity of your RTO is a critical part of remaining successful and attracting the new students you want. Give yourself help when you decide to use a quality RPL system like the one we offer at RPL Assess. Contact us at your first available opportunity to speak with a member of our team who can answer your questions or tell you more about everything we offer.


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